My wife forbids me to sell the bike I have several bikes and do change so now and then. I bought 3 years ago a CB 400 from somebody that left the country and didn't sold his bike 2 days before leaving. needles to say that it was a steal of a deal In the beginning I really thought i flick this bike further for a profit after 2 months of test riding it. now 3.5 years I end up with a SM bike that is a direct competition for this CB (just a town bike) The SM is equipped with passengers pegs and my wife did accompanied a few trips in town on the SM. result: I am not aloud to sell the other bike, (she doesn't go that far that I can remove the passengers pegs on the SM and she can appreciate the looks of the SM) conditions that are set now are as follows. I am aloud to sell the bike, only if it will be replaced by a similar type (but younger one) and not earlier then 6 months from now (this is more a cash flow issue) Honestly I see no point to argue Just obey I love my wife
i could obey rules like that. my wife wont ride with me tho. she said i go too fast, even tho its the same speed as a car on a given road
You have a keeper of a wife there. My wife won't ride with me too. I need one of those Russian Ural side car bikes. When she's working I could put those goggles on the dog and take him out. It's hard to sell anything once I fall in love with it. My misses has been around for fourty years now, just kidding. But once I ride a bike it's tough to part with it.
Kinda limited with the bike's here if you are 1.49 meter high (< 6 foot) that's the length of my wife. her bike is a Suzuki next. I lowered it a little so its easier to handle. For in town its also a nice little one and knowing how the mechanics of driving works (leg out in the corner and proper weight balance ) you can be surprisingly quick on this one. Robert-Jan