My brake fluid went from clean to dirty in no time flat. I mean there were very few miles and very few hours on the bike and it was pretty dark. I've noticed the same thing on other bikes shown in photos here. A couple of weeks ago I flushed both front and back and am back to clean again. I'm wondering if the system from the factory was just dirty or what? 'Never had fluid change color that fast on any other of my bikes. I'm keeping close tabs on it now to see how it goes.
I flush my brake fluid every 6 months and the first time I flushed it on my new bikes it was quite dark but after that it was fairly clean. My thinking is that the seals in a new brake system " wear in" and the particles discolor the fluid. My husaberg's fluid was much darker than my husky's but they are both clean now
I've noticed the same thing, all bikes. Seems like rears though, not front. Already changed out the tiger's too. Ate (euro brand) Dot 4 at for about $12 for a quart. Your cars are supposed to be done every two years. If it has abs that unit needs to by cycled to flush it. A proper tech does that with a computer.