beginning is Khymi test. first and last test for days 1 and 2 and last test days 3 and 4 beat to snot and bony rock garden about 1 km long! That video is of day 1 before any rain! I almost had to do a double take as by day 4 it was black soil soup mud! Picture about 4 inches of all that dirt goone and replaced by soup mud and the rocks 4 inches taller and more roots showing ! Rain just starting half way through it and this was day 1!
Looks like the tillamook burn in the winter only EZer. Robert come on up and I'll show you all the "fun" spots this winter.
That real rock test was run 8 times! 2 X a day days 1-3 and last test dat 4 and 5. that is on day 1 first time. Cant explain just how horrid it was by dy 4 even
amazing line choices and keeping it smooth moving forward while bouncing off your line and making it work.