JD Jetting box drops settings

Discussion in 'EFI/carb' started by Suputin, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Suputin Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2011 SMR 511
    Other Motorcycles:
    WR250X, 81 Yamaha RD350LC, 90 RZ350
    Twice so far this year my JD box has dropped the settings for the first three parameters for no reason I can discern.

    The first time it did it was after I had disconnected the battery briefly so I didn't give it much thought. Hiwever today, midway through the ride I realized it had done it again. Luckily I have an air fuel mixture gauge which quickly told me what was going on as it started showing very lean numbers. I was able to pullover and reset the parameter settings (which I keep on my phone). Without the A/F gauge I'd have been riding around way too lean without realizing it.

    In addition to the box dropping the parameter settings I noticed that the #1 light seems to have burned out. At first I thought the entire box had taken a dump but a bit of fiddling around with settings and I realized the light was just gone.

    I have only had this box since late last summer so it doesn't even have a time of use or mileage on it. I was gonna swap the A/F gauge over to my other bike to get that FI box set up but now I think it might be worth having a guard on each bike to monitor the health of the FI system and prevent engine damage.
  2. jxg Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    '10 TE250
    call JD. they are very helpful.
  3. Suputin Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2011 SMR 511
    Other Motorcycles:
    WR250X, 81 Yamaha RD350LC, 90 RZ350
    Already did. The unit has been sent back to them. Unfortunately the bike can't be ridden till it comes back as it runs very rich without the JD box.