Has anyone done this? Since installing HDB hand guards and 2" Rox risers I have a hard time getting my petite, dainty little hands down to the key switch. I am thinking about leaving it on the left side and just turning 90* to the left making the key slot face the left of the bike. Has anyone done this? If so, pictures please. I have an LED ADVMonster headlamp coming and want to do both projects at the same time.
You'll lose your steering lock? I'd be worried about the the key jiggling loose and bouncing out. You'd want to keep the key cable tied to the hand guard or the bars.
I moved the key antenna ring inside the headlight housing. But I left the switch in the stock location.
Nev, I'm not worried about not having the steering lock. As for the key falling out, it is retained when in the "on" position. Clete, I have read the horror stories about cracking/breaking the antenna ring. I plan to treat it with kid gloves but thanks. I answered your pm. Baddrapp, Does the ring still pick up the keys signature? Obviously it must. Or did you get a metal key and put the original adjacent to the ring?
I'm still waiting on my spare key since may. That would be a very big concern, losing the key that is.
Maybe I should take the same tact as Quirky and relocate the ring in the cowling with an original key and use a metal key in the ignition? I am still open on this. The key does get retained by the switch when the switch is on.
I have my key zip tied and taped to the ring and i moved the ring above the headlight. The has two compression slots that attach to the key barrel. I gently removed the ring. The wiring is attached to the metal brace above the headlight. I tapped it all up good. Now i just use two regular keys from Keys for your ride. They even cut the keys.
Great info Baddrapp, Thanks for that. Once the tabs are released the antenna ring removes from the top of the lock switch assembly correct?
Yes. There is the cover with the printing on the top. The antenna ring is mounted underneath the cover. I unpluged the antenna ring, used a small screw driver to release the plastic latches and lifted the antenna off. I feed the wire out the back. I used zip ties and electrical tape to secure the key in the ring. I attached the ring above the headlight again with electrical tape and zip ties.
I dont know if this will work for you, but how about adding a simple extension to your key? I have a givi trunk and bolted the 2 keys together. I hold on to the givi key & it acts like an extension. Without the givi key bolted on, it would be very tough for me to get my hands on the husky key.