Ive always had the bog, or hesitstion when going over g outs, coming over sharp crests and in and out of jumps depending on the angles. It seems im starving for fuel in the bowl. I raised the float level to no success. Kelly recommended an "ecapsulator" but find it odd ive never heard anyoe else speak of this on our 125s. I ride moto and am hard on the throttle but its so common i can predict where it will act up on the track. At times catching me off guard though coming into whoop section or into a rythym section and almost sent me over the bars when it bauhhhhhhed instead of braaaaapppped. Any tips or stories.
Yes, you need the encapsulator. It keeps the fuel near the rod under heavy side load like landing etc. Call Lectron and get one. Fixes any bog like that 100%. - BTW we are adding this to all Motosportz Lectron builds even though it is an isolated issue. http://www.lectronfuelsystems.com/products/fuel_screen_encapsulator.html
i have a slight bog sometmes going up or down long hills. i havent played with powerjets yet. Would that be the powerjets adjustment or should I too get one if these for that issue?
I've had like 6 or so of these now and have not really seen this issue. Buddy Jake did, installed the encapsulator and it fixed the issue.
Yep as Kelly said I have had it happen a few times on my 125. It would happen randomly off road and I thought it was the cheap ebay petcock with reserve not flowing enough. I replaced that with a OEM yamaha petcock and it still happened. It has not happened with the g-force kit I got from lectron. It has never happened on my 144. I am wondering if it is the foam ring in the carb aging or being broken down by ethanol fuel? Mine seemed worse the older the carb got. It is working great now. Here are a couple videos of it happening, this one I could duplicate every lap when jumping the table top. I fixed the problem by not jumping the table top for the rest of the night. It shows up just after 2:05. This one happens about 55 seconds in, I was having a couple issues here. I rode the whole first lap with my camel back waist strap loose and it was catching between the fender and side panel, tethering me to the bike. It was frustrating, once the bike stalled I decided to fix that issue too. Excuse my language. Later,
Thannks ill check those vids after work see if it sounds similiar and seems same conditions. The gforce kit is the encapsulator for 4.50 right?
Your bike was shutting off completely? Mine was only brief starving under heavy throttle over severe g outs or bumps and would pick right back up after the moment or two of sloshing around.
Yep mine would die completely, it would usually start back up after I switched to reserve. That is why I thought it was a fuel flow issue. I could keep it running if I started opening and closing the throttle quickly but it sounded really raspy and lean. Later,
I had mine do What yours did and turned out the overflows from the lectron were getting stuffed full of dirt. I shortened them and slash cut the ends for some insurance on that.
updated, i was able to replicate the issue jmetteer was having, i was playing around in a clearing doing stoppies, wheelies and other nonsense. if i did a stoppie high enough id land go to pull away and it would sound like out of gas, and die after a second of me working the throttle. totally repeatable as well. seems there is something to this. also my bike in general seems to have a hard time pulling from the bottom-mid. i have to be absolutely abusing it to get it to pull into the powerband it seems. all other 125s ive ridden have much stronger pull and dont take near as much clutching and coaxing. any tips? it absolutely rips up top with the lectron and sounds great but the low end is definitely lacking.
Get the G kit for the Lectron to fix the bog issue after landing etc. See your other post as i posted there about your issues coming onto power. Sounds like your powervalve adjustment is off and very critical on these bikes. Also have you done a compression check to see where the motor is at?
thanks for your help kelly. i havent done a compresson check in maybe 15 hours but when i did it was within range. i forget the nunbers now sadly. ill check out the powervalve asap. i cleaned it once thinking it was clogged and dirty. never tried adjusting it though.
I can't tell if I have the encapsulator. I see the white plastic piece, but no O-Ring or metal piece. Just a piece of foam that fits over the white plastic piece: I am still fiddling to get the 144 running right, so not worried about G-outs. Just wondering what I have. It was ordered through Motorsports in August 2014. (long story about why I am just fiddling with it now; First try in 2014 did not work out due to error that gave me the wrong needle. Parked it and trying again after installing 144 kit).