Manunggal Mountain ride.

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by ray_ray, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. ray_ray Mini-Sponsor

    The Philippines
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    08\013 WR250, 010 TC250, 012 TC250
    Mt. Manunggal is the crash site of MT. Pinatubo, the presidential plane which carried President Ramon Magsaysay in March 17, 1957

    Heading back over to Tag Hill so I decided to check this new road the dozers were pushing for the second time ... I was blocked the first time by a small landslide ...

    After 5 yrs here, I'm getting a little used to this place and its ways ... But again, I was blown away ... How does a country boy from the great state of AR arrive at such a point and place in life beyond his dirt bike riding dreams? Not sure who to thank but 'Thank you' to whoever is responsible...

    Again, I'm not exactly sure where I'm at in relation to the plane crash that took these guys president in the 1957, but I'll be back here enough to tie all the dots together I'm thinking... And if you watch the VIDs, you'll see other dirt bike tracks there ...Met a couple young local RUSI dirt riders out there also ... With that in mine, this area is about the most isolated I'm seen on this island.

    This is also the area where the pythons and monkeys can exist ... One local was telling he that he has seen snakes ~15' in length out here ... One could easily heat himself up on the sunny warm dirt; so if I ride enough out there, I might could see one or its' track.


    Here's the stats on the ride ... You can see the RPMs are a little down ... 7K is the starting point for engine work on my 2010 TC250 stock machine. I just could not concentrate on riding fast ... No shock, just total awe of my surroundings and the dirt under my wheels ... I'm here to ride that Husky dirt bike in some ungoverned dirt but this stuff just over-whelms a person sometimes ..

    Left side of the chart is the starting point of the second VID

    Just rolling out and taking in the view and all the dirt with few rocks or anything else to cause my bike or me harm ... Yes, that is a 3-6' berm on the downward side of the mountain to keep a rider and his bike on the topside. How safe is that?



    The way back ... Believe me, there is lots of air-time that can be logged here, including a couple of those huge hills ... Even the FIM guys don't always have it this good ..


    That ninja at the end gave me the node ... It's the Filipino wave many times.

    Feeling a little too beat up to ride another day without rest ... Maybe Tuesday or so I can make it back out there... Going to bed early tonight and hitting it tomorrow AM I do believe...
    You guys are lucky my camera is toast or I'd flood you out once again :) ... I got a ~plan though ...
  2. ray_ray Mini-Sponsor

    The Philippines
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    08\013 WR250, 010 TC250, 012 TC250
    The Ninja ...
  3. ray_ray Mini-Sponsor

    The Philippines
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    08\013 WR250, 010 TC250, 012 TC250
    Went back out there and found more interesting stuff ... Also, this road is a little steep and soft and long&speedy and really seems to tax the 250cc 4t engine ... Really need to carry speed in the corners or gotta keep the RPMs on the 8K level lots of time if you're gonna win the championship. Gotta get the 250cc 2t bike over there next week I hope. And future rides back out will stop here on Ninja hill and eliminate that long grinding uphill in the future when I ride loops here.

    This is the small camp at the end of the new road and sits at the junction of the new section of road.

    That's the new section on the right behind my bike. New section runs across almost all of that ridgeline in the background.

    This first VID starts right on up the trail where the graders stopped and started on this new section... I tried riding up it and got hung and had to return .. It was really steep with multiple setups along the way...I'd never try this alone but with all the traffic their due to the grading, I knew someone would pull me out and that is about what happened ... So I learned some of the trail and might try it ... Same story ... You gotta go hard or risk loosing MO ... Loosing your MO on a steep twisty goat trail is not the easy way to the top.


    This road is all new ...these guys are pushing through to the top of that ridge ... There is a small BRGY up there and I guess it hooks back to the civilized world also ..

    This VID looks like the dozer is resting ...He's really waiting on any and all small landslides to start&stop after he has pushed his way up in there a few meters... About the 3:10 mark, the dirt starts rolling off the hillside... And the trees on the road have no tracks on them so that fell after the dozer went by.


    The driver would ram the dozer up in there to some degree and when stopped, back out pretty quickly and see what fell off the highside before pushing any more ...
  4. ray_ray Mini-Sponsor

    The Philippines
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    08\013 WR250, 010 TC250, 012 TC250