So my "new to me" 2006 Husky TE 610 appears to have a APE manual cam chain tensioner on it. Of course I pulled it off to confirm it was a MCCT. Not really smart. So I go to APE to get the installation instructions, but they do not tell me at what measurement the cam chain needs replaced. When I run out of bolt? Does anyone know? What is the current opinion on MCCT? ie, Is it worth the money to switch back to the automatic tensioner? Thanks- Mike
I dont really think that you should screw manual tensioner to the end. When cam chain is worn and automatic tensioner is at end, chain rubs at reed valve! Chain costs 70€, thats aboult 90$. If you ask me...change it and you will sleep well for next 20k Km
Currently, the bolt is only about 1/2 way used up, so I don't think an immediate replacement is necessary. But if I can't find an answer to the bolt length, then your replacement advice is spot on. Thanks
When my automatic tensioner were out of 12 clicks the chian was already scratching around... The tensioner has about 15 clicks total. Service manual recommends the replacement at 10 clicks. I think you can ask around the forum for the 10 click measure. Luke, in Italy chian costs 45 euro !
Original husqvarna chain costs 45€? Everithing i buy for my husky in ordered from Zupin Racing from germany. I was told, that their parts are the cheapest! NOT!! Mastroser, where in Italy can i buy parts with that prise??? Thanks!
When I run my ACCT out to 10 clicks, there is 28mm between the tip of the adjuster to the inside of the flange, no gasket.