I have an 08 610, and wanted some saddle bags, but didn't want the bulky racks. I decided to try the wolfman enduro bags, and really like em. However there was the issue of melting the left rear plastic panel to the muffler. I mounted the bags, and they seemed high enough to not affect the plastic, even after a short test ride. After the bilke sat over night with the bags on the plastic panel started to bend and touch the muffler, of course I didn't notice until I smelled melting plastic. The damage wasn't too bad, but I needed to figure out a way to keep it from getting worse. I pulled off the panel and came up with a plan. I removed the muffler mounting bolt, and got a stud that that fit and used a nut to secure the muffler. Then on the other end of the stud I drilled and mounted a rubber stopper to push against the panel. It hasnt budged since, and has worked great. I only wish I would have done that from the begining.