Got tired of looking at the funky yellowing tank so i had a local motorcycle graphics place do up some graphics for me. I think it came out good. A little loud and proud but what the heck.
All that love for the ATK and I bet you're still sporting those blue stantion tube protectors on the 610.
I am I do have the black ones here though. You got something against red, white and blue man. Why do you hate America? I just hated this look and as i am riding the ATK while my WR125 suspesnion gets done I had to be styling. Hummmmm ATK rim decals :>)
Just getting even with you for the ribbing about the blue patch on my seat (which I have now changed).
Wouldn't do a road trip in Vietnam, Iraq of Afganistan on the bike-does look kinda funky in an off road Captain America way.
Did a fun technical ride the "Capitan America bike" this weekend (my WR125 suspesnion is off to be revalved). ATK worked great. Maybe not the most civilized bike in the world but a good tool for the job and sweet motor. It's a good bike regardless of what my face says...
Love the presidential Obama-rama edition, what no Austrian flag to commemorate the driving force behind the machine??? Fun Post thanks!! The air cooled scene simplicity is still really good after all these liquid cooled years.
That's convenient, having a fuel supply right there in case you need to properly dispose of that flag due to it being damaged from a crash. I'll bring a lighter on our next ride and be sure to promptly assist if you suffer any crash damage. Don't worry, I'll give you time to get a few feet away from the bike before I set it on fire. To be clear, here is the text from the United States Flag Code in Title 4; Chapter1; Section 8(kl): (k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.
Now that's funny, this weekend my girlfriend said "You seem a little out of it, maybe you need to take a day off to go ride".
My wife tells me that every other day. So i have 2978 miles since 4-8-09 Maybe that's why we are still close after 18 years of marriage!!!