I have a 2006 sm610 and its time for new tires. I have Contiforce sm tires, the stock ones that came with the bike but im looking for somthing to hit some light trail riding but something that is going to be a decent road tires too. If any one has any suggestions please send them my way.
Some of the guys in my local trail riding club use either Dunlop 606's or Pirelli MT21's on their 610's.
Seems like the majority of people on ADV like the Continental TKC80 for what your describing... http://www.conti-online.com/generat.../motorcycletires/enduro/tkc_80/tkc_80_en.html
Try the Dunlop home page a good selection chart http://www.dunlop-tires.com/dunlop_euen/tyre_range/motorcycles/
The MT60's are fine if you're riding dry hardpack or mellow dirt/gravel roads. They don't do so hot in mud and sand, but are outstanding in rocks...very sticky. I've put quite a few miles on them in the dirt and on pavement on my SM610. Air them up a little bit and they stick like glue on pavement. They are expensive and they disappear quickly, though. I wasn't too thrilled with the compromise so now I run knobbies in the dirt (Metzeler Karoo rear and Pirelli MT21 front) and my sticky Pirelli Diablos on the street. WoodsChick
another option for the 17" SM rims IRC GP-1 Dual Purpose Trials http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tiresunlimited.com/images/IRC%2520Tires/GP-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.tiresunlimited.com/ALL%2520TIRES/Irc/Irc_Trials_GP1.htm&usg=__BuHVZmanVmEnXzvNzDlWTRDj4Mo=&h=208&w=176&sz=11&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=4QjxM5MXWjHYHM:&tbnh=105&tbnw=89&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dirc%2BGP-1%2BDual%2BPurpose%2BTrials%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den