Nice bike and all tricked up and ready to go. Good shopping pahusky, these bikes are just awesome in their all around capabilities. Ride safe.
She's actually pretty good with the throttle so she doubles as cruise control once in a while if the wrist is acting up and needs a break!
Have you done any proper off road in it yet? They're a handful with all of the torque and highish centre of gravity
Ps. Got your priorities right! no need for a new coat of paint on the house when you've got a $15K USD bike in the driveway
dugg... I have done some rutted logging roads. The best part is it's predictable. Plenty of low gear torque is a good thing, chug through/up most anything...not used to having anything behind the foot pegs that need to clear things, the pannier boxes make it interesting. But they are pretty quick to take off and put back on if things get real challenging. This rig is going to be mostly relegated to back roads and gravel, two-up at that. I have other pieces of equipment that are setup for different levels of carnage that will not be quite as expensive to tear up! Oh, by the way house is vinyl and I did my shopping, managed to put this 2009(with OEM pannier boxes, tank bag, aftermarket windshield still in the box, skidplate and GPS) in the driveway for $10k and it 'only' had 14,700 miles on it!