OK not to exciting but good useful product. These are not made by us but by a very nice fellow and US vet here in the USA. We are offering them because we like the idea and believe in the product, it is simple and inexpensive way to make your engine last longer, the design incorporates ridiculously strong magnets and is said to be the best. We received some for evaluation, love the product and will be up on our site soon as we sort out which threads go with which bike. Not exciting but good solid product. thanks.
will fit everything and if not will make them. We are sorting out the threads now and what fits what.
Sweet I'm in, the 610 has a magnet on the one plug but yours looks much beefier and is on both plugs!!!
Steel. No, comes with the sealing system which is the tapered area with 0-ring backup. One did have a crush washer on it. I installed that on on my WXC250, does not leak a drop. (big one at the bottom of my pix above)
Motosportz: Steel is the way to go. Like material galling (aluminum threaded screws going into aluminum seizing) is a problem, unless molybdenum anti-seize is used. An O-ring back-up is nice. I did not understand what you meant about one having a crush washer on it. Do you mean that a crush washer is required?
I'm interested. It looks like the magnets are stronger (rare earth vs. ferrite) than the OEM one, and you get a magnet on both plugs instead of one. If you have a set that fits the TE630, I just might have to place an order.
Yes, we have them all in stock now. Email if anyone wants one. We will have them on the site shortly. Sorry, been a little swamped.