View: Here is Rd 4 of the Nationals 100 Miles in the trees 2 different 50 mile loops Had a great time on the 125 Other then getting lost for about 7 min it was a great race
That "water" crossing was a little weird, too. What was going on in the pits- repairing a radiator or shroud? That dip must've been steeper than the video shows- you were steaming pretty good. Did you race Shasta Dam? BTW, i got a buddy in the FS that's over in Utah burning junipers right now; l can see why.
Yes I ripped the Rad shroud loose when I was trying to get thru those branches at the water crossing Other then that and a bunch of us getting lost it was a good race. The little zip Ty TC 125 was running well If you watch my slow start You can then try to understand just how fast Taylor Roberts was off the start Those top guys are so fast
He puts his life on the line for KTM Think about it last year at KOM he crashed and had to have his spleen removed Then at another race broke his jaw and had it wired. Then just 2 months ago he was involved in a crash with a wrong way rider at a track. He broke both arms and his wrist So to now come back and ride like that is amazing.
I must be getting old but I can't see the point in his motivation to hang it out that far, for what?. He was skying those dune hits big time.
That is amazing. To come back after that much carnage, and be that fast. Sounds like he may be racing rascals by 40.