OK Y'all, go easy on me here. This is my first bike with 1 1/8' handlebars! Bought a set of Cycra's from the dealer and started to install them this weekend. After cutting off the ends of the grips, I discovered how "thick" the tubing is at the ends of the bars. The Cycra kit that I bought is for 1 1/8' bars, but the smallest of the two bar end bolts provided with the kit are too large to go in the end of the bars. Searching through the threads, it sounds like some of you drilled out the end of the bars, while others commented that the bolts were too small. Are the handlebars on 08" 610's an odd size? For you folks with Cycra's, did you drill out the ends of the bars? Thanks!
Yes, you will need to drill out your bars to use the stock cycra mounting bolts. You might check into whether there are other after market bolts that will work and are smaller. The cheapest solution though is just to drill them out. Be careful and make sure you keep the hole straight. If you have a good drill press with a vise attachment it makes it easy to set it up and drill straight. Walt
I drilled mine out in graduating sizes. then I tapped them to tread in the nylon inserts that I bought from cyclebuy.com. The nylon inserts IMO are the best because if something is going to give the weakest part should let loose first (nylon). Cycra Pro-bends
I have the Cycra Pro Bend mounted to the bars, "Magura kit". The little aluminum expanding insert dealios fit, albeit a bit tight. Though to be honest, I'm not pleased with how easily they tweak and pull out. Mine come out regularly even after tightening to the point that it threatened to strip the allen wrench hole. Now the insert bolt has bent from being part way out when it struck the ground. Looking for a more solid insert set up, I think I'm going to try the following: http://www.brpmoto.com/product_info.php?products_id=422
Seems like most folks drill the bars. I was thinking about weakening my heavy gage bars, plus what seemed easier than wrestling a drill motor was to turn the expanding portion of the bolt down. Really the bars probably won't bend out near the grips anyway so drilling should be just fine.
Thickest part of a bar is out at the grips, thinnest is at the clamp. Bar starts at largest diameter. Bar is stretched and crimped to create bend and size at grips. No loss of integrity in the first one and half to two inch end of bars if drilled. Either way you go, you are fine.
nice post. I just took my bike out with studs for the first time yesterday. Had my buddy meet up with me and he brought along the handguards that he picked up from a shop on his way to meet me. I was surprised to find that the Husky bars had a smaller inside diameter. Going out to drill them right now.
I used the Acerbis hand guards with their pro taper adapter kit on my 08 610 with factory bars and they worked perfect.I would return yours before I drilled the bars out.Why modify your bike for parts that don't fit?