I desperately need a piston for my TR's engine. It consums a huge amount of oil, about ½lt every 1000km at everyday's use. I think that it would be much more at enduro or traveling use. A Husqvarna dealer in Italy told me that Husqvarna destroyed the spare parts. Any alternatives?
Finally I found a company in Greece that manufacture high quality pistons for the TR650: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?st...Lk7mRCiGf2yTnxypQdr8Fa1aSl&id=100064363676748
Heads up if anyone needs pistons. stock is 100mm they are the same for the Bombardier DS 650 which uses this motor. there were machines making over 100hp years ago. they died off over the years. larger DS 650 cams are a direct fit as well. they did have up to 900cc setups. https://www.jepistons.com/product/je-can-am-100-0-mm-bore-1-cyl-kit/