Hi, i hope someone can help with a problem i am faced with a cam chain tensioner issue.I have just had the engine rebuilt on my Te610e 2000 model.When the engine was first fired up i noticed the cam chain was rattling, so i went to adjust what seems to be a manual cct.First i undone the phillips screw and removed the little o ring oil seal, then when the engine was running gently adjusted the tension arm screw inside until the rattle stopped, but as soon as i took the screw driver out, the screw worked its way out of position again leaving the chain to rattle once more.Should there be a spring or something to lock this screw in place?, or am i just doing something wrong?.I have today removed the cct for inspection and when i tap gently on the tension arm it has no resistance and is for sure turning the screw out of place.I cant find any info on the web about this, but i did find a picture of the same tensioner here http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=518223 I would really appreciate any help offered, as i have been working on this bike since last August and this is stopping me from going on my first ride. Thanks ian