1. Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Sweden - About 1988 and older

pro Circuit Rear fender number plate Question

Discussion in 'Vintage/Left Kickers' started by zuendapp, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. zuendapp Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Pa. USA
    Hi, I have purchased a pro Circuit rear fender number plate for my 1984 Husky project. The fender doesn't quite match the rear seat? Is this normal or is the fender for another year? Anyone have experience with these?

    Thanks for your help
    Terry Davis
  2. HuskyT Moderator

    Corona, California
    Where did you find that!

  3. zuendapp Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Pa. USA
    Mid Ohio Vintage days swapmeet, Husqvarna was the marque of the year and Husky bikes and parts were everywhere, new used and abused.


  4. Leftcoast leftkicker Husqvarna
    AA Class

    encinitas ca
    It won't fit that year as it was designed for the early '80s. I'll buy it from you though.
  5. HuskyT Moderator

    Corona, California
    Looks like the fender I would want for my 1980 CR.... Left coast and I might have to start duking it out for it...LOL...

    Great find. I'm jealous.

    Like LeftCoast says, It will fit the 80. If you let it go... keep me in mind!!!

  6. Murph Husqvarna
    AA Class

    I have just bought a pair of NOS M Robert mudguards in yellow for my 1979/80 390 rebuild with the built in rear number plate. Apart from the tank colour (mine is the original black) it should look something like this

    View attachment 5623
  7. HuskyT Moderator

    Corona, California

    Can you post up more information on this? I have been looking for the exact same thing in Black.

    Thanks , T
  8. zuendapp Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Pa. USA
    I appreciate the info on the years the Pro Circuit fender works on. Looks like not a good match for my 1984 project bike.

  9. Joe Chod Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    upstate NY
    81-82 were the PC uses
    Seat base for 83 and 84 were diff than 81-82.
    There is a small drop down tab on 83-84 seat base (extends vertical towards ground of about 1-2 inches)
    Prevents clearance of the PC fender and too valuable to cut it up.
    Did you get my PM with regards to DC ?
  10. Murph Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Hi T

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. Just got home from a few days camping with the kids. :awww:

    I bought them from Dave King, who is one of the main organisers of the Vets MXdN being held at Farleigh Castle in September. He has a load of them, but I am not sure if he has a black set or not. If you go to the MX Trax forum site he is "Know All Curtis". Here is the link if you don't already know of this site: http://forums.mxtrax.co.uk/

    You should be able to send him a PM. Hope this helps.
  11. pdubaldi Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Eureka, CA
    Hi Terry,
    I also remember those used on 81-82 Huskys.
    Something like that would be worthwhile to contact DC Plastics to see if they would replicate it. I know I would buy a copy and they normally will give you a free spare for the loan of the original.

  12. pdubaldi Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Eureka, CA
  13. MOTORHEAD Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Mount Vernon, Indiana
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    2014 YAMAHA YZ250
    Anybody know where you might be able to get some of these?
  14. Viper32 Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    maico 490 Spider
    I would like one of these for my 82 250CR - are there any aftermarket versions available? Anyone got one for sale?
  15. Kartwheel68 Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Newnan, Georgia
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    82 125XC, 250XC, 430XC, 430WR, 250CR
    Other Motorcycles:
    83 175WR , 76 250WR, 74 250 Mag
    Someone needs to send one of these to DC Plastics so they can reproduce it. Has anyone tried to use one of the early 80s KTM rear fender/number plates that DC Plastics has? They dont look exactly like the PC fender, but I bet you could make one of those work.
  16. Kartwheel68 Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Newnan, Georgia
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    82 125XC, 250XC, 430XC, 430WR, 250CR
    Other Motorcycles:
    83 175WR , 76 250WR, 74 250 Mag
  17. MOTORHEAD Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Mount Vernon, Indiana
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    2014 YAMAHA YZ250
  18. Viper32 Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    maico 490 Spider
    The 83 KTM fender looks like the closest fit, but yeh it would be good if someone could drop on off at DC Plastics for them to copy it. I am sure that you would get a couple of free samples for the trouble :)
  19. ronn450 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Here is a picture of my 81 CR 430 bike with a D C Plastic M-Robert rear fender . I did have to cut the fender to fit it and it fits great . The bike is going though a remake with a Pro - Circuit Chain Guide and a Asch Pipe , and Pro - Circuit side panels .

    Attached Files:

  20. Kartwheel68 Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Newnan, Georgia
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    82 125XC, 250XC, 430XC, 430WR, 250CR
    Other Motorcycles:
    83 175WR , 76 250WR, 74 250 Mag
    That looks really good. The M-Robert fender is close enough for me, some of Phillips new side panels and that bike will look nice.