The move will see the Spaniard race an official Speedbrain Husqvarna TE449RR while receiving the support and technical assistance of Tamarugal XC to complete the 10,000km long race. Sounds like some one is spreading the mula around quit well ...
BMW made alot of $$$ by wining Dakar in the 80's Looks like its husky's turn as long as Honda doesnt derail it.
Honda has been launching $ everywhere. JCR, Knighter, Dean Wilson
Yep, I hear ya ... the japan yen or whatever their money is, is intimidating when applied to bikes and racing ESP :0) ... But Husky has proven (to me at least) when the same $ and rider talent is applied to their bikes, they can run in the front of the pack and win also ... Fear not that fat, heavy tank looking crf bike ... Husky might just have an answer for it and we have more than 1 stud rider for everyone else in that race also ...
Now that Quinn Cody has signed on husky may have the most exciting program. Just wish I wasn't such a Cyril despres fan