I know I need them to read and any close work. I keep a pair in my enduro pack, after an incident with a spare plug that I couldn't see had absolutely no gap at the electrode!
I guess it comes to us all, my friend. In the UK you can get generic reading glasses in different strengths from market stalls for the equivalent of about $4. Heh, they're not exactly high fashion in appearance, but I only need 'em for close-up soldering (or peering at those pesky jet numbers).
I was 50 before I found the need for reading glasses. I really don't need them at all as long as I have someone hold the reading material out further than my arm can reach.
When I was a teenager I used to like target plinking with my .22 rifle. These days, I can't see the back site on it to line it up with the front site. I have a pair of bifocals, but never use them. I can still read all but the very smallest print so far. It's my night vision that is really getting bad!
I'm with Kelly. I never needed them till around 45 then only to read the fine print. Now at 52 I pretty well need them to read anything. You can buy them at the dollar store for a buck and I have many pairs lay'n around. Ya know the "old man" look balanced on the end of my nose Wife say it's from staring at my PC all the time.
I've got the opposite problem, to a point. I cannot see up close with glasses - and still have the glasses be useful up close, at least with out bifocals. Honestly a microscope or jewelers loop stored with the carb jets would be tremendously helpful. In fact we were talking about that recently when someone was jetting a wr125.
Never needed reading glasses until I broke my leg & spent the better part of three years sitting on my ass behind a computer screen. I can still read a novel without, but newspapers, medicine bottles, phone books etc. I definitely need them.
Getting old is not for wimps. I really need to get my eyes tested. At 44 or am I 45?, the eyes ain't what they use to be and I'm sure having glasses and seeing properly would be helpful in many ways.
Had RK 10 years or so back. Distance vision during the day and when eyes aren't tired (from too much reading or computer) is good. Night vision Ok unless tired also. Vision at altitude (have a place at 7800 ft.) is very good for distance BUT I usually cannot read a newspaper until my eyes tire a bit. Passed DL vision test without glasses.
I started to need them when I met you Norm and you would say, "Joe....can you read this jet number for me". Hee-Hee
I was always near sighted and never had a problem reading with or without my glasses. But now for the last 7 or 8 years I struggle to read with my glasses on and finally last year bit the bullet and got bifocals. I hate this getting old stuff. I really hate bifocals. Walt
Had lasik 10 years ago for distance. Doc said I would need reading glasses in 10 years where as without lasik I probably wouldn't. I said I don't care, let's do this. Sure enough, now I'm starting to see my near vision go south. I used to work on watches without magnification. Not anymore. BTW, Harbor Freight sells some neat safety glasses with little magnifiers in the lower corners. Very handy for bike wrenching.
i cant read menu's, jet sizes, plug numbers, papers, magazines, food lables and epxiration dates and trust me experimenting there is NOT an option. i have those Rite-Aid readers everywhere. here at work, in the truck, in the garage, in the can, in the living room, on my nightstand.... i'm seriously keeping some little guy in china on a plastics machine working steady. i seriously can't see crap w/o them!
I am 51 now and had Lasik a couple of years back. Before that I needed longer arms to read my mags and Lasik was cheaper LOL.
Really kind of funny how short sightedness (is that a word?) first hit me. At age 42 I went on a fishing trip out in the Aleutian Islands. There was a lot of travel time and I brought along a Tom Clancy book, I had started, to read on the way. The following week, on the return trip I could barely, just barely, read the print. Dollar Store reading glasses are great, I have them everywhere.
My wife does the same thing with her glasses. They are everywhere! Myself, I wear contacts & the right eye sees near & the left sees far.[or is it the opposite]? Anyway it takes some getting use to. I can take my contacts out & read all day but need glasses to see far! OH well, at least I can see.
I had to get reading glasses just after I turned 40. I am 53 now and I would have to really strain very hard to read this with out them now. I always carry a cheap pair of glasses when I ride or I would not be able to see any detail on the Bike.