Thanx to BCVisin we can watch there progress in real time... Well 15 mins. lag not bad. Modern Technology never Ceases to Amaze Me. Husky Baja Ride real time
Well I'm only guessing but from the last coordinates I got about 10 min. ago it looks like our intrepid explorers are at Coco's Place. At least it looks like it from the satellite pics.
you can! Well atleast I am. I bought this TE450 specifically for a dirtbike riding excursion out west this year, or next at the latest. Baja's gonna be the crown jewel ride. Join us. dave
Tell that to Roger and Curtis; they drove out from Connecticut. Also, Armin and Jamie drove from Ontario! I think it took them about 45 hours to get there, and they had a great time So...see ya next time, Brinker? WoodsChick
2012 there is an Aussie that`ll need directions & some riding mates The wife gave me a leave pass this week, all I have to do is take the family to Disney Land & to Canada for a white x-mas in 2010 or 2011 then I`m "allowed to go back to ride" saving-saving-saving the dollars now can`t wait to see the pics. hope everyone had a safe ride
Thats right Brinker.. don't EVER let a lil thing like a few days car ride stop you from joinin in on a great ride with a great group of husky peeps Just load that bike, jump in the car/truck and follow the sun as it sets.. Just to clarify.. My buddy Curtis lives in Costa Mesa.. I drove from Ct solo. I don't blame ya if the Virginia plate on is Husathingamimbob threw you off. Nice to be able to register a bike unregisterable in Ca. in 30 minutes, including gettin the Va. P.O. box Should be headed back thusday night.. perfect timing.. While I've been gone the 1 an half feet of snow and ice has melted completely, and now expecting snow showers for the next 8 days again.. WTH>??!! Guess I'll take my time and hit up some old ghost towns in N.M. or Tx. along the way. BTW.. fun watchin a couple of great riders also on bigger machines Woodschick and Eric. If I ever go treasure hunting in one of those ghost towns I'll have to invite ya, as you've got the best metal detector goin...How the heck else could you explain finding the ONLY nail somwhere where theres no wood to drive one into within a 50 -100 mile radius..