Just noticed the top part of the guard on my bike is just hanging after I washed the bike. Maybe all the mud was holding it in place. Can anyone tell me how the metal bit is attached to the bike at the top, is it held on by rivets? Guess they weren't really designed to be jumped
Thanks for that Chuffa, now to try and fit the rivet gun in there, might have to drop the exhaust down.
Mine broke and fell off my bike going 55 mph. I got lucky and found a used one on Ebay. I drilled out the holes and used larger rivets. Hopefully this one will last another 10,000 miles.
Just noticed the other day, mine has done the same thing, nearly 10k klms also. Thanks for asking the question and for the answer
my rivet broke ages ago, put another in and it been good ever since....very strange that exact same rivet on everyone's breaks.
I lost both. Put it back with zip ties (Didn't feel like tearing all apart.) about 15k miles ago. Still holding up.
Point to note if you are drilling out that hole for a bigger rivet be careful..I think thats the fuel tank behind the flap