Ride impression 2010 Berg

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by birdman, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. birdman Husqvarna
    A Class

    For those who may be interested, i was lucky enough to ride a 2010 Berg 450 FE on the weekend as one of our local dealers leant us the bike to test ride! (Yes he is a top bloke).

    I had my 09 TE 450 on hand to compare with and all i can say is that the two bike are worlds apart in the way they ride and feel!

    The Berg was great, it felt really light and had lots of low down grunt coming out of corners but it did sign off pretty quickly on the easy EFI mapping. On the fast EFI mapping the motor felt much stronger all round!
    The bike steered nearly as well as my Husky, which surprised me as the 09 Berg had a sketchy front end IMO!

    The suspension was stock and worked really well, softer than the Husky so if pushed it would probably need to be beefed up, but for me it was fine!

    It seems with getting better front end grip the bike has lost some of the rear end grip, which on a grass track was noticable but no biggie!

    The greatest difference between the Berg and Husky is the weight when riding, the Berg just feels 20kg lighter which makes it less demanding to ride! However it did not seem to tip into corners as well as the Husky which may have something to do with where the weight is carried on the bike. Im just thinking out loud!

    All and all i think the Berg will make whoever buys it very happy as my Husky does me, but the prices would be a huge factor as in Oz they are about $2k dearer retail!

    Anyway thats just my humble opinion of the Berg - if ur are interested!:thumbsup:
  2. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
    Other Motorcycles:
    Having ridden the 09 FE450 and FE570 and the 2010 FE390 plus every husky made :D I'd have to agree with everything you say. :thumbsup: Both great bikes and very different.

    Have you ridden the 2010 TC/TXC 250 yet? It is another very different yet sweet bike.
  3. birdman Husqvarna
    A Class

    Unfortunately the 2010 TC 250 are as rare as hens teeth here and getting a dealer to let me test ride will be difficult, but it is in my to do list!