RideOffRoadUK Lee Dell Hare and Hounds 23/05/10.

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by GreatBritishRob, May 24, 2010.

  1. GreatBritishRob Husqvarna
    B Class

    Ha! What a weekend. :lol:
    Second lap, Husky over heats and starts running crappy. Ended up with a DNF.
    To be fair, it was bloody hot and dusty which made it evil out there. Even camping the night before was uncomfy being so hot.
    It was a cracking event though. Wayne Braybrook and crowd know how to put a good event on for sure. I think it was the weather that pushed people to the limits though.
    Young lad Jack that came with me did well for his first ride away from MX so it wasnt a complete flop (KTM125SX, No 522). :D
    It was funny watching here. People falling off all over. Ironically i found it easier going here.

    Anyway, all gets done and very dusted, we get packed up etc and set off.
    Steady drive back and eventually on the A1 we decided to stop for summat to eat.
    Just down the road in the meantime a 4x4 bursts into flames and you can imagine the tailbacks. This all happened while we were at the services though.
    Eventually we leave the services and come down the slip road to find the tailbacks. Bugger!
    We slowly feed into the traffic, a huge great artic has what i thought let us in but nope, my vans in the lane but he decides hes going to side swipe my trailer with the bikes on. :shock:
    I looked in my mirror and shout to Jack "That idiots going to hit my " CRACK
    I managed to pull forward sharpish to get the trailer in front but it had hooked in the bumper of the wagon and ripped it all off along with his lights. :roll: Luckily it had only caught and twisted the bracket on tail light which i kicked straight.
    As you can imagine, i felt the need to point out to this bloke driving the wagon that he was very very silly and naughty and most likely blind or a horrible man.
    I get out of my van to be greeted by a yawping lorry driving waving his arms about in the cab. I think he was calling me nasty names or something.
    He gets down from his cab, still all full of gusto which kind of got my back up a little.
    He reckoned he couldnt see the bikes on the trailer even though i had come down the slip road by the side of him.
    Well i took it upon myself to give him a good telling off. I showed him where his mirrors were and directed them to a different angle just to show him it was possible. I then went into great depth telling him what a silly man he was and if he didnt be quiet i was going to tell him off some more and then maybe stop him talking permanently.
    I also advised him he was lucky the bikes werent damaged as he would end up eating a lot of soup through a straw so on so forth.
    I think at one point he realised he had bitten off more than he could chew and i think he kind of got a bit tearful while picking up bits of his lorry.
    Apart from flicking my fag end at him, i left him quite unscathed but i left him with a couple more words of advice. Just because you sit high up in a cab it doesnt mean your as big when you get out of it and as such, dont be so rude.
    Anyway, it worked out nicely really because it made the rest of the journey home easier due to me not feeling so tired.
    Good weekend me thinks :D