Riding Out the Old and Riding In the New-------

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by Blazes, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Blazes Husqvarna
    AA Class

    South Africa
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Eddie Seel 634SMR works Replica -
    Other Motorcycles:
    Aprilla Dosodoro 2X 2009 610
    The Best made Plans of Mice and men ---or woman –never seem to work out like we
    Planned them to---.

    Never the less my Planned Trip ended up with a few surprises and when I look back –
    Well they could not have worked out better even if I had spent months planning myself.

    My Solo Trip only ended up a few days Solo--

    So –Let the Journey begin—

    Decided to trailer my bike 4 hours east from home –carry enough spares in case of an emergency fortunately none was required.
    What was planned to be a –Cover the Universe Solo in 10 day’s ended up as a –

    Ride Slower –stop more take in the Scenery and make memories that will last till I breathe my last breath.

    This is the scene that greeted my on my arrival – I just knew it would be a time to remember the past and plan ahead for the future and be in touch with the beauty of Nature that is all around us.
  2. Blazes Husqvarna
    AA Class

    South Africa
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Eddie Seel 634SMR works Replica -
    Other Motorcycles:
    Aprilla Dosodoro 2X 2009 610

    The rising sun
    age old
    yet new and inspiring
    lighting up the world
    with its soft pink rays;
    just watching the familiar hues
    dance on the still water
    I return to emotions
    that never truly left.
    Just as the sun sets
    it rises again
    wide arms embracing a new day.
  3. Blazes Husqvarna
    AA Class

    South Africa
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Eddie Seel 634SMR works Replica -
    Other Motorcycles:
    Aprilla Dosodoro 2X 2009 610
    The Tipee I slept in –




    The --Ablutions and the Toilet -- DON'T Even ask ???





    Day one i had decided to look for a way into Crocodile Gorge--- Why --Because i have often looked at the area and new that it would be awesome --
    After two no-go attempts to cross the heavy flowing crocodile river that is very doable when dry i was about to give up when i saw a feint trail lead off in another direction ---into a little piece of heaven once i had entered the overgrown bush and a track lay before me--





    How often we just rush along --because time -that was created for man does not allow us to just sit back --take the time to dip our feet into cool running water or just look as water cascades over rocks finding its way into the ocean many kilometers away ---







    The winding track through the forrest -- wher the cool shade of the trees made one appreciate nature and all its wonders --
    It felt like the trees and Rocks wanted to tell one something --about a place before time was created --
  4. Blazes Husqvarna
    AA Class

    South Africa
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Eddie Seel 634SMR works Replica -
    Other Motorcycles:
    Aprilla Dosodoro 2X 2009 610




    Time had moved on --and -it felt as if i had stood still while the world past me by --I told myself --pass this way again --i will. Did so a couple of times during my week ride in the area--so off again as the road ahead was calling me softly with promises of even more exciting things to come --


    So the Journey begins --------- To follow-----------------
  5. aya16 Husqvarna
    A Class

    long beach ca
    Thanks for sharing, I dont know if you knew it or not, but the round bowl shapes worn into the rocks, are Indian grinding spots. Where indians ground seeds to make flower for a kind of bread.
    You werent alone, Ghosts of the past seem to roam these areas. I hunt a place in calif, that has signs all over the place of a people that once were.

    Many years I hunted quail in the area, climbed the mountans, took breaks on over hanging rocks to look over the valley's below. Feeling not alone, yet no one in sight.
    Seeing many rocks like your pix near the bank of the river. One day a historian was hicking the area, and we talked for awhile. He told me of the rocks and how the bowl shapes came to be.
    As well of the history of the area. Changed my whole outlook of the place. It always felt some what haunted to me, but after finding out about the place, I got an over whelming sence of comfort.

    The small rock ledges jutting out of the mountains, I sat, over looking the valleys, I could feel where an indian hunter may have sat in the same spot, looking for game down below.

    Your trip, and pix, brought that back to me again, Thanks.

    Ohh that shell on the tracks, did you put it up to your ear and listen, it would have talked to you...

    Great stuff, I see your from south africa, where is this place you went too?
  6. Blazes Husqvarna
    AA Class

    South Africa
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Eddie Seel 634SMR works Replica -
    Other Motorcycles:
    Aprilla Dosodoro 2X 2009 610

    I rode in the Eastern Part of South Africa close to Swaziland --called Nelspruit area--

    Very close to our Biggest National Park --Kruger( rode all along the fence as well --report to follow)

    We have many different tribes living in those areas and some --till today are very superstious.

    I did put the shell to my ear --was a experience to listen to the sound that came from it --
  7. Dirtdame Administrator

    Rock Springs Wy
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    11 WR300,13 WR125,18 FE501
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    17 Beta Xtrainer
    Another bee yooti full report and pictures.[IMG] We used to put nickle coins on the railroad tracks on our way out during a ride. On the way back, we would look for the coins after a train had passed through and the coins would be elongated paper thin disks, much like a metal potato chip. I wonder about the fate of the little snail....[IMG]
  8. Blazes Husqvarna
    AA Class

    South Africa
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Eddie Seel 634SMR works Replica -
    Other Motorcycles:
    Aprilla Dosodoro 2X 2009 610
    Thank You --

    I took him Off --so he could slip and slide along for another day or two [IMG]
  9. Blazes Husqvarna
    AA Class

    South Africa
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Eddie Seel 634SMR works Replica -
    Other Motorcycles:
    Aprilla Dosodoro 2X 2009 610
    Up early the next morning to meet up with a friend who would join in for a couple of days riding as things did not pan out the way they should have --

    A trip was planned up the 4x4 route through from Nelspruit to Kaapse Hoop --

    The first section to the pass was normal water damaged roads from the heavy rain over the last couple of days---



    The road started to look as if it would turn out to be great fun --




    This gate permission was granted and we thought things were falling into place --- ???






    And then---- oh -No --- Power Boats --Huh ???


    Well it seemed as that was that --we then decided to go for a bite to eat at Kaapse Hoop and look at the wild horses

    Good news to Follow --great when one is Not pushed for time and one can work through a issue and use stumbling blocks as stepping stones –

    Kaapse Hoop

    The Menu--


    The taste of the --Inferior decorator ::)




    The Wild Horses Roam freely through the Town and Forrests --



    After a bite to eat and a refreshment we decided to ride to the Forrest station and see what we could achieve----

    After a few calls and some sweet words we were granted permission to ride through the forrest--- :thumleft:

    To Follow—
  10. Blazes Husqvarna
    AA Class

    South Africa
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Eddie Seel 634SMR works Replica -
    Other Motorcycles:
    Aprilla Dosodoro 2X 2009 610
    The Pass between Nelspruit and Kaapse Hoop-

    So here we are back the next day --with a permit to enter and ride to our hearts content--



    The road just get better and better --You know when you just want to shout out aloud inside your helmet--knowing no one can hear you --But you do -- ::)




    Road block--



    A cool waterfall was calling us to cool down --







    What a mix of terrain --just plain awesome ---




    And look who came to greet us on the other side -- ;)


    Too soon the ride was over --fortunately we had the afternoon over to go and explore

    To Follow---