Well round 2 is done Results are posted at mototally First was Kendal Norman Honda Second was curt Cassille KTM Third Nic Burson Beta ex Husky rider fourth David Kamo Honda Ex Husky rider Once again I was the ONLY Husky to finish the total distance of 85 miles Finihed 77 oa out of 311 who started got 3rd in the 250 class and 6th in the National open class on a Husky 165 the same bike I just finished King of the moto on.After KOM all I did was change the tire,oil,filter and gear it back up The Husky 125 is flat bullit proff There were 3 more Husky in the race but they only went 40 miles They finished 190 oa,253 oa,and 264 oa will get my video done and posted tonight
77th out of 311 is Great,way to go.Im sure Husky will be out there again as soon as we get thru this ownership transfer deal.
Ever since Husky felt they did not need to keep the 3 year contract they had with Ty Davis Zip Ty Racing there have been NO HUSKY racing at or even near the top as you can see ex Husky riders doing well on other brands.At almost every race I am the only Husky in the top 100 or the only Husky to finish Maybe with this KTM Husky deal we might see more Husky racing Until then at least I am out there trying
"At almost every race I am the only Husky in the top 100 or the only Husky to finish" except for occaisional times I show up....(thats where the "almost" comes into play hahaha) and if I even make the top 100!!
Another good race fan note, HON,KTM,BET,KAW and TM all represented in the top 10!! Imagine that, 1 Austrian, 2 Italian Brands and 2 Japanese brands.