Top 5 were 1 Kurt Casselli KTM 2 David Pearson Honda 3 Destry Abbot Kaw 4 T.J. Hannifan 5 Jacob Augubright Kaw 11th Nic Burson Husky The Race was great,i drove up friday from So Calif and it snowed off and on from St George Utha all the way to the race sight.The race sight was about 80 miles south of Salt Lake City just getting down the dirt road to the pits was a adventure .It snowed all that day and all day sat also and when we left it was still snowing .All i can say is i finished and was glad to be on a WR250 instead of the 125.The National Hare and Hound races are just something you will never understand until you try them.Every race is different from low desert in the heat to high desert in the snow and the trees and everything in between .You can not plan because the weather will change over night . Here is a video which shows the start then the middle in the soft sand then the finish in the snow What you do not get to see if how many different types of terrain we travel on I will post some pictures tomoro
Beau's artistic video all the slo-mo and Radiohead soundtrack really work for this one. Great job Beau!!!
AMA National Hare and Hound. usually more in the desert race genre, this one appears a little bit different with all the snow and mud.
Chili's sit -- Enduro360 -- had a quick post stating DK had a rough day and packed it in after the first loop.
That gives you a idea what this one was like .Every race is in a different area with different weather and terrian .The best the west has to offer , 4 more to go Next week it is Luceren Calif then back to Utah then up to Reno Nevada and the last one in Oct is back in luceren I have been so lucky i have finished every National for the last 4 years on a Husky 2 STROKE They just posted the results and it looks like i got 4th so that still keeps me in second for the overall points in my class
Husky is one of the major sponsor and supports the Nationals. Back in the day Dan Smith won 5 #1 overall pro class titles on a Husky .No one has ever broke his record,maybe Husky will win another title again .Lots of talent out there on great bikes