If you've been, then you know how the title of this thread is suppose to be pronounced. I there are 3 or 4 cameras with pictures on them, but these are from my sisters. Will post some others when I get a chance to download. Last picture I know is a gooner of a whip but trust me when I say, that was the last thing I was worried about was looking good for the camera....haha.
I was wondering when we were gonna get to see some pics. Pretty cool looking, that dirt looks just perfect. I'm dying to know, did you jump LaRoccos leap?
That's funny you ask Clay, because I was going to say that "I would have died if I tried Larocco's Leap" HAHAHAHAHA. To answer the question, NO, I did not do Larocco's Leap. Sure, on TV it looks big but just like everything else....you have to see it to believe it ESPECIALLY from the riders perspective. It's obviously do-able because A LOT of people jump it, BUT it is so intimidating. It's like a 30-40 ft. tall wall of a take off just jumping blind.....more or less hoping you have about the right speed.....or you die. Haha. Do I think I could jump it, sure, but is it worth it, maybe not. Me and Dad were talking beforehand and jumping was NOT in the plan unless of course it was a "make the show" or "not make the show" last lap type of thing. Long explanation I know, but no I did not jump it. Blake Young