First I apologize if this is in the wrong section. Great bike but the wrong bike for me at this time. I should have gone with something more off road oriented that is lighter. It has 400 miles and counting and is financed. I owe about 4200 dollars and would work out a deal to sell or trade and switch loans on a 310 or 511. I am located in South Jersey and if anyone knows someone in the area interested post and we can get in contact. No scamming no shipping. I am interested in a 250 or above and open to anything off road Street legal. Again sorry if there is a classified section I couldn't find it. I have had the bike about a month.
Call Bob at Central Jersey Cycles.......... maybe you can work something out. He has a number of nice blue and yellow bikes in stock. 284 Old Deal Rd, Eatontown, NJ (732) 443-4465 ·