Has anyone pulled the spark plugs to inspect how lean the engine is running? Stock exhaust or baffles out? with or without the Cannisterectomy?
When my bike had the first service the tech said that the plugs looked perfect. Stock exhaust, baffles in. All stock.
Hello, Ken, have you done any exhaust mods or evap mods since?. All i did was the evap can delete and removed the spark screen and bafffle(cut so i can reweld easily) then replaced the end cap and snap rings. my bike has not had the moss, TPS update, but i was having problems with dieing at low miles, i now have 350 miles, and after the can mod and exhaust baffle removal, It has not died once. My only worry is a lean running condition after removing the spark arrestor? i made a post, but if i don't get a response, I will do a plug chop, and see for myself. Any advice is greatly appreciated!.If you don't personally inspect the plug its hard to know whats going on in side the engine...My concern is that i have removed the the spark arrestor and baffle, but left the end plug with the snap ring, I dont' want to burn a valve, I guess i would be canidate for a dyno update!.I guess I could pull the plug, then if i did not lke it i could mig the spark arrestor back on,.I wish someone would do a map with mods to choose from........Luge
Luge, my Terra is still bone stock. However, my guess is that your modifications are so slight as to not give you a serious lean condition. The operative word there is "guess". When I put an FMF Q4 exhaust can and header on my TE630 I was worried about the same thing, but when it was dyno'd, they found the low and mid range rich, not lean. Top end was good. Go figure.....