While waiting on the air filter to dry need to find out what I may have done in the process of filter removal. Started out with battery over the side as pictured in the manual. Positive battery cable connection at starter solenoid was in the way. It felt like I might tear the filter on it. Also the harness that clips together near the filter wing nut was in the way. Disconnected the harness. Disconnected the positive cable at the battery. Tried to loosen positive cable at solenoid to rotate it and must have touched the other bolt on the solenoid. Got an arc. So I just took the battery completely out and got the filter out. Reconnected both battery cables while the filter is drying. What damage could I have caused by the arc?
Left a burn mark on wrench. Grounding with ring will tattoo your finger. That's how you start it when solenoid is bad just jump across it. Nothing hurt just don't do it again, but you will we all do. Later George