So I took my Strada to the track in Utah. She did just awesome. Stuck like glue even on the stock tires. I was only disappointed in one thing. I ran out of tire. Hit maximum lean angle and she slid on me a couple of times, got squirrelly on me. The front seems to have ran out before the rear. This is the question I have. Has anyone thought of or tried, attempted, or wanted to switch out tires and rims to a more common size and better profile for a little more sporty riding?
Look through here:
I guess it is not just me that got spooked by the front. I ended up modifying my riding style rather than go down the modification route. I don't turn in hard on the front anymore and use body position to reduce the need for lean angle. Still great fun!
Yeah that's what I had to do. Leaning way off the bike it did a lot better. I still have a slight bit of usable contact patch on the rear but the front is gone. I think I am just going to get a track bike. I fear though that in 7 years it will be next to impossible to find parts for the Strada.
Don't think we'll have to wait 7 years for things to get about NOW? Hall's has been waiting 5 weeks so far for a little bracket for me....perhaps that'll be 7 years 'til it comes in
I was chatting to the parts guys at my husky dealer last week. They said after the shutdown of the italian plant and the move to Austria, there were long delays in the parts supply chain for all Husky models, because they moved everything from Italy to Austria. They said in the past few weeks things have improved.