TE-250 2010 idle air bypass

Discussion in 'EFI/carb' started by R_Little, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. R_Little Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    I noticed this adj screw on the side of my throttle body and noticed it raised the idle speed when my bike was flaming out.

    I not see on this site that it is NOT supposed to be used to adjust idle speed but idle mixture.

    Is that true?

    I'm running 107 on Co1 and still have a bit of off idle studder.

    I'm going to use I-Beat to set TPS this weekend and need to know if I need to reset this idle air bypass screw as well.

  2. HUSKYnXJnWI Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Central Wisconsin, USA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    I assume you are reading what is quoted below. The AIR BYPASS does effect idle and idle mixture. WHat Mat is suggesting is not to think of the AIR BYPASS Knob as only effecting rpm. There is alot that goes into what your RPM will be at idle- it is a collective of many facets #1,2,3,5 below explain. SO ultimately once you have your bike set up to the correct WOT setting with your TPS dialed in- and you are set at the correct CO1 setting- then you would use the air bypass to dial in the low end/idle mixture (think of it that way) if you try to raise or lower the rpms significantly with that goal souly in mind- you will loose the proper mixture and performance will suffer. So once set up "think" of the air bypass more as a "fuel screw/airscrew" (in leaner/out richer in this case)- but it was really intended to set the idle. But it does this by adding/subtracting air- which effects mixture as well. Make sence? read Mats points below a coulple times he brings the whole spectrum together and how it effects parts of the spectrum- :thumbsup:
  3. HUSKYnXJnWI Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Central Wisconsin, USA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Ultimately- when I am going to ride in HOT conditions- tight single track on a HOT day with little airflow- I will turn my bypass in 1/4 turn if I notice it needs it- or out in cooler temps/open terrain. its not often that I need to make any adjustments to it though- so you are doing about the same thing- maybe after you adjust the TPS it will be more stable.
  4. R_Little Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    My TPS was 102.4 @ 925mv.

    100.8 @ 1030mv made the idle super high.

    I am at 101.2 @ 1016mv right now.

    The studder is just gone at this setting.

    the lower TPS seemed to have richened the bike up at idle.

    I need to reset the CO2 and CO3 now.