Te610 Not Shifting Into 2nd

Discussion in '610/630' started by sportsbud, Jan 13, 2024.

  1. sportsbud Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2007 TE610
    Other Motorcycles:
    Many others
    So I did not mean for my first post to be this... But I recently got a 2007 TE610 and have been repairing it's myriad of things that were broken.

    Well got an old machinist buddy who agreed to help with the clutch washers. Spent the day at his place helping him turn them out on the lathe and heat treating them etc...

    Well get the bike back together and now she will only shift into 1st and N (ha now finding N i easy...). Will not engage 2nd and the 1st and N "clicks" feels strange.

    Buddy and I called it a day and I have to think about what it may be before I start tearing into it. Really the only thing I could think is we layed the bike on it's side to not lose oil maybe with the clutch out it moved the shifter? Impact loosing the nut do something?

    Just looking to see if someone can shine a light before I go back into the engine and start getting angry again lol.

    Anyway glad this site is back up! Someone may know how to get this dinosaur going again...
  2. Dirtdame Administrator

    Rock Springs Wy
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
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    So to confirm, the bike did shift before you did the clutch work...or no? If so, then you will need to see if the shift selector spring and shift selector pawl are in the right position. Otherwise, you could have a bent shifting fork and maybe damaged gear slots/dogs working against you.
  3. sportsbud Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2007 TE610
    Other Motorcycles:
    Many others
    Yes bike was shifting great prior to this. The more I brainstorm the more I think it's a stuck shifter pawl. I probably won't be able to tear into it until next weekend.

    If it's a bent shift fork or a damaged gear dog the only thing that had a chance of doing that was zipping the clutch nut off but really didn't have to hit it hard...

    Now we did lay it on it's side and we did have it shift while the basket was off... that's the only other event that had a chance of messing things up...
  4. sportsbud Husqvarna

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2007 TE610
    Other Motorcycles:
    Many others
    Guys I feel incredibly stupid...

    So... somehow during the process when I had clutch basket out the shift arm had been bumped and its teeth were no longer centered with the teeth on the shift drum... 15 minutes and a feeling of both relief and embarrassment and it's back to shifting like a champ lol
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