Finally got all the necessary parts by hook or by crook from different Husqvarna dealers throughout the country. was backordered, and I want to ride before snow falls here. I called a lot of dealers looking for a tail light, a number plate holder and 2 reflectors. Got a tail light from Big D's in Colorado, number plate holder from Hall's, side racks from BRmoto so the damn number plate holder won't get eaten by the tire again with a plastic license plate holder instead of the 3 lb holder supplied by Husqvarna factory from Hall's. Thanks to all. Now tomorrow I still have to sneak up to the state inspection place 20 miles for a new sticker. My old plate and sticker and some plastic plus the heavy metal plate holder are lost in the Maine wood roads. Hopefully it won't stall as I merge onto the traffic flow at the right turn on red. Grin is starting to come back