I had mine for only a few months. I can tell the difference in how the bike handles and runs with this battery. My old Yuasa battery was getting "cranky" and the efi would make the bike stumble down low in the rpm. This Shorai is super light and powers all my accessories on my TE. Well worth the $$$ too bad their made in China.
Prices vary by dealer. Here's the best deal I've found: http://www.power-tripp.com/Tuning.html As for how long they last, I don't know yet. I'm on my 4th Shorai and I always end up selling the bikes before the battery dies.
thanks for the tip! I received mine from power-tripp last friday. Very happy with the weight savings and went ahead and zip tied the battery down as mentioned on another thread I read. thanks again I was cruising around the vendors section looking for an SM wheel/tire setup I noticed BRP sells them also.
Typically they're a tad smaller than original but they come with a million foam shims in the box that will enable you to get a snug fit in the existing battery holder.