The grandson has his suzuki jr50 and it’s almost too small for him. Funny he is starting to jump on it. My son found a ds80. It’s needs a piston which were working on now. Santa gonna deliver it. These oil injected bikes run forever if you keep the oil tank filled with the correct oil. Kids grow so fast. Hope the ds80 lasts him for a few years. I guess a rm100 or kx100 is next. Maybe we can squeeze a kx80 inbetween. The ds80 is the first clutch lever and shift lever bike. Rough bored the cylinder today now the new piston can be ordered. They must have ran it with no two stroke oil in the oil injector pump. They seized the lower side of the piston on the exhaust side. My son rough bored the cylinder today. The new Lisle gear driven hone (sunnen hone) worked awesome. My old sunnen hone is worn out. It’s the passing of the cylinders to the youth.
That's a great bike. When I was young my Dad, Uncle and I would ride with my Dad's friend and his son. He had a DS80 after the JR50 and rode the snot outta that bike. It was capable enough to allow him to join us on the longer trail rides which makes any kid feel like they're all grown up. Luckily, you have the shop and tools to get it fixed right and make it an awesome family project. What a great Christmas he's going to have!
Merry x-Mas to him! My boy went from a pw50 to a kx60 and it was a steep learning curve. Both X-Mas gifts from Santa. Hook him up Bill.
It was affordable enough. My son said it ran but was low on compression. I told him to pull the cylinder and probably need to bore it with a new piston. Need to checkout the oil pump to make sure it’s set right. I read somewhere they say to use two stroke in the gas too besides the oil injection? The grandson is just starting to jump singles with the jr50. Catching a little air. The newer smaller bikes are $4 k new. Plus they grow out of them so fast.
My first bike was a 1980 DS80. I rode the crap out of it for 3 years with no issues. Very reliable bike and was fairly quick and light for a trail bike. Your grandson should get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
Update, suzuki ds80. My son bored it over size. And inspected the flywheel for movement. It needs crankbearings and crankseals. He has new boyzeen reeds, new tires, better rear rim. Sounds like a plan is happening. I have to post some video of the kid on the suzuki jr50. We started talking about his next bike maybe a rm80 or kx80. Or a kx100 if he grows fast. It’s going to take time for a deal on these. I’d rather see him on the 80 motocross bike next.
My son did all the work, she’s alive......running. I got him tires, barkbusters. He’s ready. Cant wait till santa brings it.. This is the first bike with a clutch lever and shifter.
The grandson is learning how to use the clutch now. The boy is so excited. I never seen a kid so happy. The prices vary on these bikes.