I just received and installed my " roost stops here " lens protector which IMHO is one of the smartest mods you can do. The lens protector is made from 3/8" polycarbonate (250x stronger than glass) and mounts in seconds with hook and loop (Velcro) allowing easy removal for cleaning. Considering the cost of lights, this inexpensive modification is a no-brainer. Check them out at IronManDualSport.com
I can't stand any plexi type product that attaches a windscreen or protector with velcro. It looks hokey.
It's a very clean, light, good looking lens! I can't post a pic on here with my ph, but go look on ADV 610 thread and you will see.
I never care much for looks just as long it functions the way it suppose to, which I hope it does cause I think I'll buy one.
I like my bike to look good too, but I keep inmind its basically a dirt bike. I think the Roost stops here lens is a lot cleaner looking than some bulky metal cage hanging off the front of the bike and is a fraction of the weight and cost for that matter. Each to their own, but IMHO these lenses are a great idea and can potentially save you a lot of money, because we all know how much headlights cost.
I am constantly getting pelted with rocks and roost, but I've never broken a headlight . . . am I just lucky? Are they really that prone to breakage?
I had a glass lens on a Baja Designs headlight take a rock and crack from top to bottom. Other than that, I haven't been unlucky enough to break a lens, except when I crashed a bike and demolished the entire headlight housing along with the lens.
I broke my buddy's headlight on his gasgas 300 with my roost when I passed him on the pipe with my or390!