TNMX Round #6, Changes and Glitches...

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by jmetteer, May 13, 2011.

  1. jmetteer Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Woodland, WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    TXC300 CR125 CR144
    Other Motorcycles:
    Another fun night at TNMX round 6... There were some changes to the track that took me a bit to adapt too, I hated the track in practice... One section I didn't ever attempt the first part of, maybe next week. Three Huskies again this week, Montgob1 took 2nd in the 30+ beginner on his CR125.[IMG]A kid on his dads friends TE450 was jumping all the big stuff. He seemed to like the bike and was also riding a Yamaha in another class.

    I have been having an issue with the TC stalling every once in a while when I land or catch a braking bump wrong. It is like the auto decompression mechanism is engaging. When it happens the engine will not re-fire until I pull the clutch in and let the engine completely die, then I can pop the clutch and it will fire. It is usually in the faster sections so I have been able to get it going again without losing much time. The section I was having trouble with last night had me slamming the face of a step up with no momentum to get the engine to fire quickly. It happened once in each moto, it was bad enough that it frustrated me and cost time.

    I put a call in to Bills to inquire about the issue and he is going to check into it for me. [IMG]It has happened to me on my TXC and on Kelly's 06 TC250 the first time I rode it. Hitting stutter bumps going in to corners seems to make it happen on the red top 250's.

    My starts were spectacular as usual, I rode 5 motos the weekend before on a dirt start. I managed to forget the technique for concrete starts and went for the NHRA burnout method... it didn't help my starts but makes for good video.

    2:40 in is where it stalls here, I also opened my mouth at the wrong time and had a dirt clod go right down the hatch. Spent most of the moto spitting...


    4:10 here same spot, Maybe I should just jump the thing... [IMG]

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