Ever since my trip to Death Valley in 2012 I've wanted to go back and pick up some loose ends. This week was that chance, so my friend Keith and I packed up the bikes and gear and headed south. Five hundred miles later we arrived at Stovepipe Wells. We checked the equipment and headed for the chow. Mmmmmm, plank steak and beer. Time for sleep... We were greeted with this stunning sight early the next AM: Forty five minutes later and 6'400 feet higher we see the same sky from Aguereberry Point: A few miles south we arrived at the charcoal kilns built in 1897 to fuel a nearby smelting plant. I stopped and snapped this picture as soon as I saw the kilns; Thirty seconds later Keith arrives and points to the ground to the left of my bike, and I see this; The bad news is that the rest of the ride is going to be sans side-stand. The good news is that I know where it is. Stay tuned, more pictures in part two....
Actually it's a 08 with some later parts. The side stand being one of them. I didn't like the big steel thing that came on the 08.
"The bad news is that the rest of the ride is going to be sans side-stand." Tread-locker will not keep it tight.
The bolt broke at the base of the tread so I would be SOL regardless. I will run a strand of wire through the springs and plate when I replace these parts. It was just dumb luck that the side-stand stayed with the bike until I stopped. I think my boot was holding it in place.