The last time I was really into dirt bikes I was 16. I didn't know anything other than motocross existed lol. You all lose me with all the different series. What are the different types and what do they do? Thank you in adavance.
East coast...Hare Scrambles and Enduros. The left coast has some different stuff that someone else will have to chime in on...not sure where you are located... Hare Scrambles - Closed course(nothing needs to be road legal) - Classes by bike cc(any age) or age group(any bike size) - Woods course, somewhere between 8 to 12 miles - Start with your class on a seperate row but run the course with all classes, scored just against your class, scored each lap. - Usually pit anywhere along track for gas and drinks(unless you're in Jersey; designated pit area) - Local races - 2 hours, National races - 3 hours - Lots of series have a seperate AM races for C riders and older riders - Timed on leader...they will white flag with one lap to go and then checker... - Go back to pits, have a beer and talk about race... - Easy peazy...and you get your moneys worth.(entry is usually $40 +/-)
Land, Check out WORCS: I dunno where you're located but in SoCal we've got lots of desert stuff too.
Unless you make an effort, you'll never hear much of any of the off-road bike riding in the states ... Only ama sx / mx gets much if any news and most is primarily via the magazines ....Almost never the mainstream news ... A SX event in the states can sell 40-50,000 tickets or more yet many times the local, homeboy dirt riders in the states have to beg and grovel for places to ride their bikes ... Makes no sense to me ...
I'm not an expert, but.... GMCC,worcs,Oma are all types of harescambles (see rules above) enduro racing involves riding a section of trail in a specific per determined time. Enduro cross is a closed course (usually indoors) extreme course. There are also "extreme" enduros which are like hares scrambles but hard as hell to even finish (erzburg rodeo , red bull romaniacs). Then you have motocross (outdoor) supercross(indoor), trials , dirt track,tt, hill climb, etc......