Simple question for someone who has ordered something from Uptite... UPS called with the amount I need to make the check out for, but not who to. George's last name is Earl right? If so, do I make it out to him, Uptite Husky or something along those lines? Thanks
Up-Tite Husky is fine, always write the check out to the company, if a personal sale then to the person. Last name is Erl Later Geeorge
Haha thanks George! I guess are probably most equipped to answer this question anyways. How's the external fuel pump housing coming? Thanks, Nik
Haha that's quite a bit more badass than what I'm getting (te-610 slip-on/powerup), but I'm just as excited none-the-less.
Sounds like a cool better name for the Sitcom! Episode 1...flashback to the mid 90's....Mr. Erl meets E.V. in a dark alley....with a baseball bat! Loads of laughs...great for the kiddies...Bob Sackett gives it 2
I also have one of these in the works.What year are you going to run this on the 2004 or something else? And what carb,I have a 2007 with stock carb.
gonna run it on my 2004... I switched over to the Keihin 38 with Walt's help and legwork... He's also the guy who got the ball rolling on the 167 for me... Walt's good people..
Cool, I'll follow up on your progress. Mine should be ready in two or three weeks, hoping I can get it all ready before the snow hits here. Thanks Walt for all the legwork on the 167. Bill