I have a slight kink at upper and lower end of coolant hose between pump and Uptite Y. For the life of me can't decide which end to trim. Anyone else ? Sid
It could be possible by trimming the one at the top, going to the right, you could get a slightly better angle on it? Impossible for me to say what I would do, without actually seeing it in person.
i did mine today and had no kinking problems but i did have to shorten that hose in the pic at the bottom to keep it away from the raidiator a bit. i took out about an 8th fat!
did both My radiator guards moved things apart a hair. I took 1/8 inch off RH hose at the Y and 1/8 inch off hose at water pump. Transitions seem to be smooth enough. Thanks for the advice. Sid
Hmmm. Mine looks like that and I just left it. Haven't heard my fan come on since. Is it that important to get that little kink out?
These are George's instructions from a while ago. Just put the 2 top hoses on as far as you can, tighten them (make sure of clearences clamps not rubbing) then lower hose tighten then loosen hose on waterpump rotate it until kink is out then tighten clamp. Later george