Important safety tip for dirt bike riders: When cleaning your chain with the rear wheel in motion... NEVER allow your fingers to get between the chain and sprocket! Ask me how I know this. Trip to the emergency room to sew back together the mangled tip of my finger. Compound fracture of the bone with deep puncture/laceration. Then there's the pain.... I'm such an idiot!
Krieg consider yourself lucky How NOT to clean your chain. ***GRAPHIC PICS*** (Mimi don’t click on this if you’re eating ! ) Heal fast brother
Ouch sorry to hear that. Hope you heal up quick without too much more pain. When I was a kid (long time ago now) we got a new "electric powered" can opener. I was curious as to just how this new fandangled thing worked. So I pressed on the handle with my finger closely following the wheels....then it bit me LOL. Good safty tip Krieg "keep all body parts outside the reach from things that will hurt you".
I highly suggest one of these. A lot cheaper than an ER Bill.
Funny this would come up. Dan Truman neatly snipped off half of one of his little finger in the front brake rotorwhile loading bikes into the truck yesterday.
Thanks for the good vibes guys. I visit a hand surgeon tomorrow to see if there's hidden damage and complications that may need surgery. UGH! The pain has been ridiculous. The ER doctor gave me a perscription for Oxycodone but I told him I would be OK with Ibuprofen. NOT! Oxy's are my friend now... PLEASE don't be an idiot like me and let this happen to you.
Heal up quick. And just for the record I am my own unique type of idiot, but I promise I'll be careful and keep my fingers out of my sprocket and chain.
Did the same exact thing on my mountain bike, I was spinning the rear wheel with the cranks and my index finger went right into the crank sprocket, had to back up the wheel to pull my finger off the sprocket.
Ouch, That had to hurt. GWS I got this zipper story I could tell you, it might make you feel better.....