I was with ya all the way to the point where you went over the bars - ouch! Still, much of the course looked pretty bad a$$. I like the open stuff, but not such a fan of the rocks (ask Robert).
Local 40B and friend Steve G broke his CRF450X chain guide off on L3. Was leading ended up 5th 40B. His report was that yes indeed it was a tough one, and L3 was every bit as tough as our local yearly hardcore thrasher trail ride and all that after a bunch of miles of dez racing. Nat H&H is a tough series.
Next weekend We do again same area 3 loops with loop1 easy 40 miles loop2 another 40 but a little harder THEN the fun begins experts and am only 15 more miles of Pure Heaven KOM Style Bring it on cant wait You guys need to give it a try .Then next month it is up to Utha for 2 more rounds The Husky was made for this not one DNF since 2006 when I went Husky
Ajax, with these crazy incentive close out prices........I'm so tempted to join the 125/144 band wagon for certain event uses. PS You neeeed to get a new CR125 with the new chassis!! Prices are nuts for new ones right now.
You would think HUSKY would help me out with a deal on one of the 125 they raced at Glen Helen BUT I can not get any help SO for now my walt smith 165 is in simi retirement 5 full years of Desert racing along with everything else I do along with King of the Moto and Last Man Standing with not one DNF The little 125 need some rest NOW I am racing a Fast Bike Industries Oliens suspention Zip Ty Racing CR 300 and the way it is working might not ever go back to a 125 in the desert.KOM and Last Man Standing will see me on a 125 but for now the 300 is my new love Plus it is paid for