After many years and continental divides, I have the fortune to ride with this guy again. From the last times we rode (I never saw the guy after a corner or 2) and from late 2015
maybe now that he's an old guy I can at least keep him sight...........yea sure!! Hopefully he is on his full moto KXF250F and we can hit some ugly trail stuff.....shite his machine is a full on PC package showcase.....basically a PC catalog, Braking/Sunstar exhibit of product excellence. What ever- I don't get paid to ride.....
I was being cryptic/silly/goofball,,,, wanted to share but wanted to be respectful of industry
This guy, will re-brush up on my Italiano. And here we will give Braking some publicity in Italiano. View:
rode the "new" to us zone. post rain and was super fun, flowing stuff, we had 7 riders, including 1 former ProMX/WORCS Pro, 1 Former factory/Trophy Team and more rider/1 endurocross ammie racer and Pete (former TM Racing Importer) was leading on his Husky TE350!!! single cammer (Norm!). Our pace was relaxed for the most part. But we did some sandy hill climbs and from riding rocks for so long it took me 3 tries to clear it........remember PINNNNNNED , that was longest Ive ever Pinned my 300 WOT 3rd gear and pop down to 2nd for final over the top. definitely cleaned er out!!!