The manual says it should support ONLY the bike, not the bike and rider. When I mount a bike this tall, especially one with a tail bag, I like to step up on the left foot peg abd swing my other leg over. This side stand is not strong enough to do that? I know it's too short, or the angle is wrong, depending on how you want to fix it. Bike leans over too far. Today I stopped on an ever-so-slightly off camber surface and dismounted, only to have to catch my bike as it fell over. MY KLR stand made the bike so upright you could dismount and watch the bike fall over the other way. You'd think these guys get their side stand designers from Microsoft.
The Ken Webb fix, he actually produced if I remember 100 of them. All long gone. A simple solution that may work for you. Try the search function on here there are other solutions too.
Thanks. hadn't seen the second one. I can make that one. More elegant than the piece of plywood bolted to the foot now.
Welded a piece of aluminum on mine about two months after I got my bike. Props it up nice and a bit more surface area to keep from sinking in the sand.