WORCS RD 6, Pala, CA (Hanging out on the Reservation!)

Discussion in 'Racing' started by TemecuCoastie, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. TemecuCoastie Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2015 FC250 and 2012 TC250

    Did WORCS at Pala Raceway yesterday. When I left, the results showed me as finishing 9th in the 40C Class. But, when I went to the web-site today, my name/number were nowhere to be found.

    Anyway, the track was gnarly. For those of you who have been to Pala, it was a combination of the Amateur track, the Nationals track and a huge off-road section in the quarry behind the facility. Trust me, after hitting the off-road section, the MX portion was easy.....with the exception of the double jump I cased.

    Was it everything I imagined? Ya. Not only ya, but heck ya! It was challenging, fast, , physical and gnarly - all at once. I saw only one other Husky there and the guy wasn't racing WORCS - he was riding the Vet track as it was still open for business. And, just as with being at other races, picking up dust is super cool.

    As my good friend Rob always says, "Don't spectate; participate!"

    Anyway, here are some pics:

    WORCS Pala Raceway 001.JPG

    WORCS Pala Raceway 006.JPG

    WORCS Pala Raceway 012.JPG
    WORCS Pala Raceway 013.JPG
    robertaccio, BILLF and LandofMotards like this.
  2. TemecuCoastie Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2015 FC250 and 2012 TC250
    Race results are in: 9th in Class / 60OA.