I have a 2009 te610 with Leo Vince pipe and so far a lambda bypass installed. After playing around with my bike and Ibeat this weekend, it looks to me like the only way to adjust my jetting is to run it closed loop(with O2 sensor installed) and adjust the fb1,2,3. As it appears to me adjusting the fb123 settings and then putting the lambda bypass in just defaults back to the original "race mode" or open loop created by the bypass plug. There is no way to remap the "race mode". Please correct me if I'm wrong but I put some high values in the closed loop session (fb1=110%, fb2=120% and fb3=130%) then returned it to open loop with those values and it doesn't run any different. It should have been very rich and not run well at all if it carried those values forward to the race map.
Have any of you fellows with Ibeat played around with the closed loop system with an Uptite or Leo pipe. I'm looking for a base point to start from as it would save some time. My goal is to get a little more hit in the midrange and upper range. Don't get me wrong it runs good in race mode but there's more there for the taking as I was playing around with it. This is the best forum for the EFI tech talk that I have seen, so I pose my question here. Thanks fella's.
Have any of you fellows with Ibeat played around with the closed loop system with an Uptite or Leo pipe. I'm looking for a base point to start from as it would save some time. My goal is to get a little more hit in the midrange and upper range. Don't get me wrong it runs good in race mode but there's more there for the taking as I was playing around with it. This is the best forum for the EFI tech talk that I have seen, so I pose my question here. Thanks fella's.