AA Class
Due to another thread on here lately I investigated the bottom piece for the micuni round slide carbs, The 38mm ones which generally come with bikes in this section. And also seem to be the preferred replacement for the bing and gunther which also came on bikes but ones earlier than I have invested much effort in.
I found three with the vent or overflow pipe at B. The upside down one doesn't have the notch at A, the one not in the picture has stickers sudco and not for airplane use on it. I don't recall getting any of the carbs any other way than on an assembled bike or perhaps partially dis assembled bike, husky bike.
The 430 auto gives you a radiator overflow bottle maybe that one was a source. Or perhaps the highest serial # 1988 model. Or perhaps they all were swapped out by prior owners. The 40mm carb on the 500 bikes has this feature. It also seems (past tense in my situation) more prone to making rainbow looking effects at water crossings. Is this supposed to be an overflow? it sticks up just a little above the gasket surface and is on the side that gets raised when on the side stand.
Which version are folks buying these type of carb new in modern times getting?